A Baby’s Brain isn’t so different…

8553473662_c3b879e350_bThe prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain involved in the highest forms of learning, understanding, remembering and more.

A baby’s brain isn’t different from the rest of ours; it’s previously been thought to be too underdeveloped for a child or infant to make calculated decisions, but new research says otherwise.

In what was once thought to be a far-fetched theory, new research suggests that children, especially infants, use their prefrontal cortex to engage themselves in higher amounts of reasoning and cognitive tasks. Continue reading A Baby’s Brain isn’t so different…

How Body Language and Interpretation Meet

men-102441_960_720First, let’s get a couple things out of the way. 

Number one: the difference between translation and interpretation. Translation is changing text from one language to another, whereas interpretation is changing a person’s spoken words in real-time so that others can be part of the conversation even without know the speaker’s language. 

Number two: body language is a gestural language that we use for more than half of our daily communication. A person could say one thing, but through tone and body language it could be understood differently than the original intentionContinue reading How Body Language and Interpretation Meet

The Communication of Laughter

6019067180_87b7b8ae1b_bWe previously discussed the non-verbal communicative method of crying, so are there other ways that we communicate without using words? What is laughter if not another form of communication?

When words are no longer able to accurately convey your mood, laughter erupts from our core and brings us closer to those around us. It’s said that laughter is even able to help with romantic relationships.

Whether it’s romantic or not, laughter is an indicator of both health and vitality through relationships and within one’s own self. Continue reading The Communication of Laughter

A Spark of Interest in Latin

latinbookLatin is seeing an uptick in interest with those between the ages of 18 – 80 through new revival Cathedral Courses. While Latin is still considered a dead language, many of English’s ‘finest’ cathedrals have undertaken the task of resurrecting Latin, so to speak. Greek, in addition to Latin, has also been included in these courses.

According to a 2012 census poll, Greek is the native language of some 13 million people, but modern Greek is somewhat different than what was spoken anciently, the latter of which is what’s being offered through these courses. It coincides with the Latin theme and brings with it an appreciation that may have otherwise been lost on the modern day speaker. That said, should Latin or ancient Greek matter to us today? Continue reading A Spark of Interest in Latin

Communication Through Crying

tearsCan you cry? Do you know anyone that can’t cry?

It’s a strange thing to wonder if there are people out in the world who can’t cry, and  while this is all-too possible, the idea seems ludicrous. In fact, for some, not being able to cry makes less sense than not being able to speak.

The reason? There are people out there that don’t speak. Sure, there are those in the world who withhold crying even in the most complicated or morose situation, but to not be able to cry, or even understand how crying works is a whole other scenario, which will be discussed later in this article.

But before we get into that, let’s first figure out what crying is. Continue reading Communication Through Crying